裏技を投稿する 掲示板
Housing prices, in spite of some correction, remain historically out of line vs salaries- Salaries are down- Workloads are up (ask Stu)- Unemployment is up- Food/staple prices are rising- Healthcare costs continue to skyrocket- NJ Transit just instituted a 25% actr-ssrhe-boaod increase; similar huge spikes in NYC public transportation costsand the biggie:- r.e. taxes continue to rise and show no signs of abating. I would rather pay double the cost of whatever house I buy than be saddled with $15-20k in taxes per year, compounded from a near-guaranteed 3% to 3+x% per year in perpetuity.
Parmelia 2016-10-20 15:18:00
本日:1 昨日:1 合計:251