裏技を投稿する 掲示板
I could write a book about my views on global warming, but I wont. Instead, I would like to note that Al Gore isnÂ’t trying to become preÂsdenti…. haha. Whoever read that obviously isnÂ’t following presidential politics in the least. I just canÂ’t stand when people blow up about something that they are completely uneducated about.
Lovie 2017-05-15 16:16:10
I could write a book about my views on global warming, but I wont. Instead, I would like to note that Al Gore isnÂ’t trying to become preÂsdenti…. haha. Whoever read that obviously isnÂ’t following presidential politics in the least. I just canÂ’t stand when people blow up about something that they are completely uneducated about.
Lovie 2017-05-15 16:15:49
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